Deer can also be regarded as a pest because they are known for destroying trees and shrubs. They tend to be attracted to the well-fertilized and well-groomed and sumptuous growth of gardens. In today’s post, we’ll discuss a combination of strategies to scare and keep deer away from your property.

Scaring Away Deer

1. Startle Dear With Flash Light or Loud Noise.

Blow a whistle or horn or point a flashlight in the direction of the deer to scare it. You can also try using sensors that can detect movement and produce high-pitched noises. You may need to keep changing your method once in a while as deer can quickly adjust to a single method.

You can alternate your methods at least once every three weeks. For instance, if you’re using a flashlight to scare deer, you can switch to whistle after three weeks. Another method of scaring away deer is to hang old aluminum foils or CDs from trees or shrubs.

The aluminum foils produce rustling noise while the CDs generate flashing lights which are a great combo to deter deer.

2. Try Motion-Activated Sprinklers.

These types of sprinklers system go off once it detects any movement. You can set it up in your garden or anywhere you don’t want deer to step into. It’s a very effective way of keeping deer at bay.

However, because the system freezes up in the winter, it can only be used in the summer. Purchase a sprinkler that has an infrared sensor that can also detect motion at night. Move your sprinkler once in a while to a different location so that deer don’t learn how to dodge it.

3. Use a Dog Or Decoy To Deter Deer.

Deer are naturally afraid of dogs and would avoid such an area if it suspects one is nearby. You can use your dog to scare deer away from your yard.

Although, it may not be too convenient, especially if you have a smaller dog that needs to be supervised. Your dog safety is also important, especially when it’s cold or raining. Another amazing trick to ward off deer from your property is the use of dog hair.

Simply scatter the hair of the dog around any place you don’t want deer to go. Deer can smell dogs a mile away, so the smell of dog hair can keep them off.

Using a dog decoy is also very effective in scaring deer. You can even get dog decoys that move which is very effective to frighten deer away from your territory.

Repelling Deer with Scents

1. Use Bars of Biodegradable Soap

The strong scent is very potent in deterring deer. You can hang soap on a branch of trees in your yard to ward off deer. The tallow in the bars of soap is a strong deterrent to deer. Their nose can’t withstand the smell of tallow.

If you don’t like bars of soap hanging in your trees, simply sprinkle grated soap around the base of the trees. Don’t use soaps with coconut oil because they tend to attract deer.

2. Spray Repellent on Targeted Trees

Get commercially prepared repellent and spray it on any tree you think deer have targeted. You can opt between taste sprays or odor sprays. Taste sprays are usually applied to a single tree, plant, or shrub.

The liquid has a bad smell and taste to deer, so it prevents them from eating the plant. Odor sprays, on the other hand, can be applied over a large area. For instance, you can apply odor sprays around your yard to deter deer from entering your yard.

If you’re using taste sprays in your garden, check if they are safe on fruits and vegetables. Use odor sprays only at night, so the smell doesn’t bother you.

3. Spray Coyote Urine around Your Yard

Coyote urine will scare off deer from your garden as they would think it’s coming from a nearby predator. The urine can be gotten from an online retailer. Spray the urine at places you don’t want deer to approach.

Spraying a few drops of the urine will suffice; you don’t have to wet your plant with it. Bobcat is another predator of deer, so its urine can serve as an alternative to coyotes. You can also try sprinkling urine granules onto the soil. It is also very potent.

4. Use Egg Spray

Eggs on plants give the plant an unappealing smell. Beat three eggs into 20 cups of water. Pour into a spray bottle and apply it on your plant every 30 days. It is also recommended to spray it after rains, but do it when the leaves are already dry.

It helps the spray to stick well to the leaves. Eggs contain sulfur which makes them smell like rotten meat; deer associate the smell with predators.

Preventing Deer from Returning

1. Fence Your Property

A fence of at least 8 feet around your property can help to keep deer out. A stockade-style fence is recommended. Most deer cannot go over a fence of such height. They are also hesitant to scale a fence, especially when they have no clue of what’s inside the fence.

Though fences are one of the best ways of preventing deer from entering your property, some persons don’t like fences. If you don’t want fences around your entire garden, you can simply fence the plant you want to protect. A dense or tall hedge of shrubs can also double as a natural fence.

2. Plant Deer-Resistant Plant

Deer are sensitive to textures and tastes. Plants that are hairy, prickly, and furry or with strong aromatic scents are major turn off for deer. So surround these less appealing plants with any delicious plant in your yard.

Plants like black-eyed Susans, foxgloves, carnations, lavender, poppies, and evergreens are examples of deer-resistant plants. Also, keep pots of rosemary or thyme around your property to ward off deer.

3. Keep Bird Feeders Properly

Corn or birdseed used for other animals can also attract deer to your property. Please get rid of them, at least at night, to prevent attracting deer to your yard. This is because deer usually eat at night.


Deer are also viewed as pests and can be annoying because they eat and destroy your plants. If you have been battling with deer in your garden, you can try any of the techniques in this article. By using the strategies discussed, you’re sure to get rid of deer and also keep them from coming back.