If you are living in any warm area, then dichondra is a great ornament to plant in your garden or lawn. It is available in silver or green shades. It is easy to grow as a groundcover or planter. Here, I’ll show you how to grow a dichondra.

In warm climates, dichondra can serve as a perennial but an annual in cold climates. Dichondra can also serve as a carpet in your garden when you grow them on the ground.

Once the seeds have started to sprout, you can transplant them to your garden and care for them.

Let’s see some ways you can grow your dichondra.

1. Buy the Dichondra Seeds Twelve Weeks before Transplant

Twelve weeks is enough time to purchase your seed from a garden store and start them.

  •  Choose a regular green dichondra seed if you want a groundcover
  •  Choose silver or an emerald fall dichondra if you desire to have dichondra as an ornamental plant
  •  If you don’t want to start seed, you can buy a bedded dichondra plant from your local store.

2. Start the Seeds Indoors Twelve Weeks before the Last Frost

Dichondra likes an environment that is warm, so to plant dichondra outdoors, you need to wait till spring or summer.

Despite that you can plant the dichondra seeds directly on the grounds, it is better you plant the seeds indoors first. This way, you will see more quick results in your garden.

  •  Make sure the temperature is above 75°F (24°C) if you want to plant dichondra directly outdoors.
  •  You can check your frost date by inputting your location on the Almanac’s date calculator. This will help you make your plan well.

3. Fill 2/3 of the Started Pot with a Soil that has Good Drainage

Keep in mind that dichondra thrives in a dry environment.

So when filling the pot, make the soil loosely packed and make sure the soil is not waterlogged around the seed.

  • · You can use a seed potting mix (which you can find in your gardening store) to start the seed.

4. In the Started Pot, Sprinkle A Few Seeds There

Since you do not know which seed will grow, it is better to put more than one seed in the pot. And in case it all sprouts, you can replant it or cut the weak sprout with scissors.

5. Cover the Seeds with a Light Layer of Soil

There is no need to bury the dichondra seed. It is more likely to sprout with a thin layer of soil.

  •  If you intend to plant seeds outdoor on the ground, you can do so and then sprinkle a thin soil layer on it. You can use soil that is well-drained (purchased from a garden store).

6. Place Your Seeds in a Warm And Sunny Spot

Put your seed in your window where it can get sun throughout the day. Dichondra needs a warm environment, so ensure that your room temperature is above 75°F (24°C).

  •  You can keep your dichondra seed on the window of your kitchen.

7. Keep the Soil Moist While You Wait for the Sprouts to Appear

Touch the soil to see whether it is moist or not. If it is not moist, you can wet it with water. For it to sprout, it may take one to two weeks.

  •  If your dichondra is outdoors, you need to wet the water three times a day. Wet your soil often, but do not make it waterlogged
  •  To wet your plant, you can find a small spray bottle.

8. Transplant Your Dichondra after 7-8 Weeks

Before you transplant, take note to see several sprouts on the plant. It signifies it is ready to be transplanted.

You can transplant it either in a pot or on the ground.

9. Wait until Spring or Early Summer to Plant Outdoors

Dichondra thrives under warm conditions, so wait till the spring season before you plant outdoor.

  •  Wait under the temperature is above 75°F (24°C)

10. Harden off Your Plants by Packing them Outside for a Few Hours

Always put your plant, for about two hours, in the sun every week.

Repeat this for about one week before you finally transfer them outside. This will enable them to quickly adjust to their new surroundings.

  •  Keep the seeds away from the wind when they are placed outside. You can do this by putting them on a wall, fence, or anywhere away from the wind.

11. Decide Whether You Want a Groundcover

Dichondra is so flexible that it can be used as a plush cover for a flower bed or yard or used as an accent to your garden.

Dichondra can serve as a lush carpet when planting the ground. If you want a ground cover, prepare a spot for it.

12. Make Sure the Area Has Good Drainage

When it rains, do well to observe your area and check how well it is drained.

If it has good drainage, there should not be a pool of water surrounding your soil. Good drainage implies that it is good for your plant.

  •  If you see a pool of water in your soil, know that it does not have good drainage. If you see that, do well to amend or adjust your soil to improve your drainage. This will help you raise your planting beds.

13. Break up Your Soil

Use a tiller, shovel, or spade to break down your soil by digging down about five to six inches.

Break up the clumps in the soil, so it will give room for the roots and also allow water to flow.

  •  Keep in mind that dichondra works well in dry conditions.

14. Plant Your Plant in the Hole

Ensure your roots are intact before you insert them into the hole. Your roots should be given room to spread out.

  •  If your home is too small, dig a large one into enabling your root to thrive
  •  Plant your dichondra seed at the top level of the soil.

15. Cover Your Plants with Soil

Ensure the whole root is covered. Loosely pack the soil. Keep in mind that dichondra grows best in loose and well-drained soil.

Other tips are:

  •  Generously water the plant.
  •  Choose a pot if you want to accent your plants.
  •  Fertilize your dichondra with nitrogen every month
  •  Use an insecticide to prevent pests.


We have reviewed important tips you can follow to cultivate a dichondra plant. When you successfully apply these tips, dichondra will be your best ornamental plant.

Thank you so much for your time reading this article, and if you some questions about this, you leave your comment below, and I’ll be happy to write back to you.